Sweet Potato Black Bean Quinoa Bowl
Filled with flavorful, feel-good ingredients, this Sweet Potato Black Bean Quinoa Bowl is the ultimate plant-based...
All-in-one meals that combine balanced nutrition with bold flavors—these bowl recipes are as satisfying as they are convenient. Featuring everything from hearty grain bowls to nourishing veggie-packed options, these recipes are perfect for lunch or dinner. Many bowls are vegetarian or vegan, offering plenty of plant-based inspiration to mix and match.
Filled with flavorful, feel-good ingredients, this Sweet Potato Black Bean Quinoa Bowl is the ultimate plant-based...
If there's one meal I go back to time and time again, it's these Vegan Rice...
This filling and satisfying Baked Falafel Bowl combines whole-grain farro and hearty collard greens, a bright...
A Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl satisfies the strongest savory cravings. Warm and spicy vegetables are balanced...
This 10-minute breakfast yogurt bowl is inspired by Indian golden milk, with whole milk yogurt, warm...
Watermelon Poke Bowls make a delicious vegan alternative to the original seafood-based dish. This Hawaiian-inspired bowl...
Try Crispy Baked Tofu Bowls with sweet potatoes and kale for a hearty and satisfying vegan...
Looking for a tasty 30-minute lunch or dinner idea? I make a version of these Tempeh...
Looking for a new way to fill your bowl? Try umami-rich Shiitake Mushroom Bowls simmered in...
Wake up to a savory Breakfast Burrito Bowl filled with hearty grains, Mexican-spiced sweet potatoes, protein-rich...
New year, new recipe! I’m kicking things off with a cozy Cinnamon Apple Tahini Oatmeal Bowl...
Sheet Pan Tofu is baked in a sweet-and-savory sauce and served over a hearty mix of...
What could be better than a cozy, comforting ramen bowl filled to the brim with whole grain...
This Spicy Peanut Chickpea Bowls post is sponsored by USA Pulses & Pulse Canada. As a...
If you're like me and love hearty salads and grazing at lunchtime, you'll love this packable...