Terms and Conditions

Permissions Policy

You may:

  • You may print content off of this site for non-commercial use as long as you include the following copyright notice: "All rights reserved © Stephanie McKercher RDN of The Grateful Grazer. Originally published on www.gratefulgrazer.com"
  • Link to my site or any of my public posts. You may include up to one image owned by The Grateful Grazer, but only with attribution to Stephanie McKercher RDN of The Grateful Grazer LLC and a link back to original post.
  • Repost a summary of my non-recipe content (up to 150 words) but only with proper attribution and a link back to original post.

You may not:

  • Repost recipes or content in their entirety without prior permission from Stephanie McKercher RDN of The Grateful Grazer LLC.
  • Alter or sell any of the content on The Grateful Grazer.
  • Repost images or content without proper attribution or link to the original source.
  • Translate The Grateful Grazer content to another language without prior consent from Stephanie McKercher RDN of The Grateful Grazer LLC.

To request permission for any of the above, please contact me.

Comments Policy

By commenting on this website, you agree to the following policies:

The Grateful Grazer welcomes your comments. Please feel free to share your opinion, disagree, ask questions, and/or provide alternative options as long as your comment is respectful, related to the content, and not offensive, defamatory, or inappropriate. I reserve the right to deny approval or remove any comment that I find inappropriate, unrelated to post content, and/or written with the primary intention of selling a product or service (i.e. SPAM).


You may comment anonymously or under a name/username. You may also include the name of your own blog/website if desired. If you provide an email address to submit a comment, it will not be displayed on our site and will not be sold or used to contact you unless you request to be contacted.


You retain ownership of your comment and simply grant us a license to post/publish your comment. This license is irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, and grants me permission to display, store, use, share, and publish your comment in any format, including but not limited to a blog, book, presentation, social media post, or article.

I expressly disclaim any liability that may result from a comment you make on The Grateful Grazer. By commenting, you retain all ownership and you relieve me of any and all liability that may result from your comments.

If you have any questions or comments about these policies, please contact me.

You can find more information on my Privacy Policy here.