Fried Egg Avocado Toast with Chili Crunch
Fried Egg Avocado Toast is a simple and satisfying way to start your day. Just top...
Fried Egg Avocado Toast is a simple and satisfying way to start your day. Just top...
Diet culture thrives on the idea that you need to eat less, move more, and shrink...
With mushrooms, lentils, and dark stout beer, this Vegetarian Irish Stew will leave you feeling comforted...
This simple Green Pasta is a quick and easy, plant-forward dinner that’s on the table in...
These Banana Oat Muffins are mixed in one bowl, so prep and cleanup couldn't be easier....
Simple and comforting Miso Noodle Soup is a 20-minute lunch or dinner cooked in one pot...
This veggie hummus sandwich is a simple, plant-based option to add into your lunch rotation. Warm,...
Simple ingredients make these quick pickled carrots a breeze to prepare ahead. Flavored with vinegar, water,...
This Tuscan White Bean Soup with Kale is a cozy and nourishing lunch or dinner that...
This easy red enchilada sauce comes together in just 15 minutes with simple ingredients that are...
Filled with flavorful, feel-good ingredients, this Sweet Potato Black Bean Quinoa Bowl is the ultimate plant-based...
These quick and easy veggie enchiladas are the most satisfying vegetarian meal! The filling is made...
Baked Brie Puff Pastry Bites are a quick and easy appetizer that's ideal for a holiday...
A warm Roasted Vegetable Quinoa Salad with sweet potato, Brussels sprouts, and kale is the perfect...
Mix up this honey mustard vinaigrette in just a few minutes for the best easy homemade...
This Vegan Mushroom Gravy with Rosemary and Thyme is so rich and creamy, thanks to the...
White Beans and Greens has to be one of the best 30-minute meals out there. Best...
This Vegetarian Vegetable Pot Pie is perfect for the holidays (a vegetarian's dream main dish for...
This easy Roasted Pumpkin is the best veggie side dish for fall! Just slice a whole...
This balanced and nutritious rice noodle soup comes together in just 15 minutes and is perfect...
Truly the best vegan potato soup out there! This recipe is made with coconut milk for...
This 5-Ingredient Tahini Pasta is a weeknight dinner hero! Just toss your favorite pasta with vibrant...
The only list you need to find your new favorite plant-based soup recipe! These vegan soups...
Taco night, but make it cozy! This is the best healthy and easy vegetarian taco soup...
These one-bowl Double Chocolate Muffins with pumpkin and chocolate chips are sweet (but not too sweet!)....
This vegan red lentil curry is the best easy and flavorful Indian-inspired meal for busy weeknights....
Do you always seem to feel hungry and unsatisfied minutes after eating a veggie salad for...
With a simple mix of dates, nuts, oats, peanut butter, and chocolate chips, these no-bake homemade...
This easy Carrot and Lentil Soup features a cozy blend of warming spices (lots of garlic...
A delicious, plant-based version of the classic holiday side dish! This Vegan Sweet Potato Casserole is...
This Indian-inspired One-Pot Tofu Pumpkin Curry is naturally vegan and so easy! A simple yet ultra-creamy...
Everyone loves a classic, Italian-inspired Caprese Pizza! This easy, homemade pizza is topped with heirloom tomato,...
This Mediterranean Lentil Salad is an easy and delicious vegetarian entree or side dish with Greek-inspired...
This Forbidden Black Rice Salad recipe is an easy, vegan lunch or dinner that you can...
Need ideas for veggie dinner recipes that are heathy, fast, and easy to make at home?...
These are the best easy, quick pickled radishes for tacos, salads, sandwiches, and wraps. (And they're...
This easy Overnight Mango Banana Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk is a healthy and delicious meal...
Looking for veggie recipe ideas to pack for work? These easy vegetarian lunches are quick, healthy,...
This mouthwatering Green Goddess Crunchy Tofu Wrap is full of so much texture and flavor. There's...
Wondering how to press tofu? This guide answers common questions like how to drain tofu, how...
Say goodbye to your boring, old salad routine! You can make this creamy Vegan Green Goddess...
Crispy on the outside and buttery smooth on the inside, these smashed baby potatoes with pesto...